Tuesday, December 22, 2015

Combo Logo Work Day

The logos are progressing well.
Lab Day for 30 minutes

Critique Day!

Please place you logo into the Logo Critique folder in the N Drive at 9:20am.

This critique is worth 20 points.

This is great chance to see your work from a different perspective.  We will be looking at readability, arrangement and color impact.  You will get a grade for this, so make sure your work is in the folder. Don't panic! It does not need to be finished!

Take notes on the recommendations.  They can be worked on tomorrow and when we get back.
We will be wrapping this assignment right after break.  The next assignment is 10 sketches for the Program of Studies. Remember that Mrs. Hoch will be our client for this project.  They will be due after break.

Friday, December 18, 2015

Many sketchbooks received and inc or a zero. I did just find 3 handed in to the basket. I will grade those shortly. Please identify the 3 peer judges and their symbol, if they are missing.  Also circle the final logo that you will be developing in Illustrator. Get them back to me asap, so I can update grades.

Combination Logo Lab Day
-Complete corrections
-Work on the Tutorial 2nd
-Search for an Illustrator tutorial to help you create the color effects you want for your combination logo. Use it! Please include the link for the tutorial on a layer in your final combo logo design.
-Begin developing your combination logo based on your sketches

  • Full color, highlights, shadows, drop shadows
  • Make it dimensional and eye catching

Due Monday:
-icon tutorial- Dirty Water Drop or Panda

Wednesday, December 16, 2015

Gather lots of great ideas for the Icon/Typographic logo sketches. This will give you a lot of choices as you decide which design to develop into a full color combination logo.
As you move forward with this design, you will be working together with other people to select the best possible design.  Designers will often work as a team to develop ideas and solutions for projects that there company receives from clients. 

Today's task:
-Complete 10 sketches of Typographic and Icon combination logos for a company.
-Find 3 people to get feedback from on your designs.  Assign them a symbol (star, circle, square, ect.) to use to identify promising sketch ideas.
-Each consultant must identify at least 3 ideas that fit the criteria for this design challenge.  The criteria is as follows:

  • contains typographic company name or identification.
  • contains an icon which provides more information about the company's purpose.
  • is easy to read or understand
  • is eye catching and/or interesting to look at.
Once you receive feedback, you must see if you have two or more designs that your team agreed were good choices to consider. In other words, did more than one team member choice a particular design? If you have one or fewer sketches that people agreed on, you must create more sketches and seek more feedback.

Circle the design that you will be developing into a full color logo. Scan it, and turn in your sketches for grading. (You must have sketches and feedback to more on with this design.) You are ready to begin creating the logo in Illustrator.

Good Luck!

Friday, December 4, 2015

All 50 sketches are due by the end of the hour. Please place your sketchbooks in the black crate in the back of the room. We will be using the sketches on Monday.

The ch. 10 is due by the end of the day Saturday. Place it in the turn-in folder on Google Docs.

Be sure to create at least 1 transfer and 1 collages in your sketch collection.  Place a star by the transferred sketches. They can be difficult to distinguish for pencil sketches. 

Sketches are required for the our first "big" 80% assignment. Sketches are all graded.